Is Cryotherapy the New Silver Bullet in Recovery?

One of the big trends emerging today is cryotherapy. Especially when it comes to recovery and fat loss, cryotherapy has shown positive effects over simple traditional cold water immersion., though it’s so new, some of the benefits have yet to be scientifically proven.

Cryotherapy is the process of hyper-cooling the body, usually as a method of recovery relative to sport and performance exercise. However, recently it has been being used as a new solution to everyday injuries, as well as relief from any inflammatory issues such as arthritis and normal joint and muscle pain.

When you undergo cryotheraphy, expect to be subject to sub zero temperatures..anywhere from -125 degrees to -200 degrees, in a highly regulated and monitored environment, for 3-5 minutes.

Purported benefits include:

  1. pain relief and muscle healing
  2. weight loss
  3. reduced inflammation
  4. brain health and dementia prevention
  5. cancer treatments
  6. reducing anxiety and depression
  7. improving skin conditions like eczema
  8. migraine treatment

However, some studies have recently came out about its effects versus normal cold water immersion therapy for recovery…which is just what it sounds like, prolonged exposure in an ice bath or sub temperature environments.

One of my favorite new age health and fitness resources is Ben Greenfield, where he does an entire podcast episode comparing the effects of cryotherapy against normal cold water or temperature immersion for both general recovery and fat loss, saying that for prolonged fat loss effects, being exposed to any cold temperatures for a prolonged period of time where the body is working to return to normal temperature will have a positive effect.

If you want to give cryotherapy a try, as an athlete or just an everyday person looking to switch up your routine, a visit can cost you anywhere from $70-$125 at a specialized clinic. Or, if you’d like to buy a tank for yourself, you’re looking at anywhere from $45k-$150k. Or…buy a house 🙂 Either way is fine!

This is just one of the methods I educate you about through my individual coaching. Want to learn more about different ways to improve your health in minutes each day on ANY schedule? Check out my coaching information HERE

Until next time!

The #1 Way To Beat Cravings for GOOD!

Is your busy lifestyle making you crave foods uncontrollably ALL the time? Here is 1 simple trick to help you get a handle on those pesky feelings.

Cravings are a doozy. They come about when you least expect them and can often times be OVERWHELMING. This is especially true for busy people and those constantly on the go. Why? Being busy and travel are often times hectic and stressful experiences, which elevate your cortisol levels and incite this phenomenon we call ‘stress eating’, which pushes you to find and scarf down whatever food you can possibly get your hands on….uncontrollably.

What actually is a craving?

Well…”A food craving (also called selective hunger) is an intense desire to consume a specific food, and is different from normal hunger. It may or may not be related to specific hunger, the drive to consume particular nutrients.” And according to Medicalnewstoday, “Food cravings are caused by the regions of the brain that are responsible for memory, pleasure, and reward. An imbalance of hormones, such as leptin and serotonin, can also cause food cravings. … Emotions may also be involved in producing a food craving, especially if a person eats for comfort.”

We all have experienced these. Most often, cravings cause you to eat foods high in SUGAR because our body knows that those foods are the quickest to trigger a positive feedback loop, and make us feel good. Cravings can be detrimental to our health goals. But never fear, there are ways to curb your cravings.

The #1 way to beat cravings is….

DRINK WATER! Yes. H2O. The human body is mostly water, and when you don’t drink enough, you become dehydrated. Just as hunger primes eating, being thirsty primes drinking. What is the area of the brain that causes thirst? The hypothalamus. And what about the area that controls hunger?…The hypothalamus again! Considering the two sensations originate from the same source, the body can often times confuse thirst for hunger, triggering you to eat.

Next time you get a craving, try drinking 1 full liter of water! This will keep your cravings in check, satisfy your thirst and hunger and calm the want for other non-healthy substances.

Incorporate this habit into your lifestyle for getting a handle on your cravings, and if you’re looking for a jump-start to a new, healthier life, combine this principle with these 3 tips to prep you for your journey!

Fatigue 101 – 3 Ways to Have More ENERGY! …without caffeine

Lack of energy? Relying on caffeine to make it through the day? Here is the 411 on fatigue and what to do for more energy!

As we get older…and busier…many things change. Am I right…or am I right? 🙂 One of these things is our energy levels. We just aren’t the same people we were when we were 10 and every minute of every day is an endless sprint of energy and playtime and freedom and fun. Our days are now filled with “adulting”…working, bills, chores, families, side hobbies, and trying to stay sane. All of which requires energy. Now we are endlessly seeking out ways to rekindle our childhood flames in order to just power through one more day. One more day of 4am wake up calls and a busy 24 hours of doing what we need to do to survive. Which, however unfortunate, is the reality for many of us. To quench this search for energy, it usually has us reaching for highly caffeinated coffee by the I-V loads. Essentially an intravenous slow drip of the chicory goodness.

But how much is TOO much?

Studies show that 400mg of caffeine is the healthy daily dose for most adults. That’s equal to about 4 cups of regularly brewed coffee. What the bags of beans normally DON’T tell you, is that if you consume this much on a regular basis, your body will build up a tolerance. Thus, you find yourself needing more and more just to feel the same effects as you used to.

What happens when you drink more than the recommended dose?

Well, you may experience symptoms such as:

  1. migraines
  2. insomnia
  3. nervousness and anxiety
  4. frequent urination
  5. irritability and restlessness
  6. elevated feelings of stress
  7. shakes and jitters
  8. adrenal fatigue – when combined with other forms of stimulants and stressors

Not to mention, caffeine consumption creates an unwanted cycle of sleeplessness. We usually consume coffee because we feel tired. But caffeine is a stimulant, so it keeps us up at night, and we are UNABLE to sleep….thus more coffee the next day while we are running on not-so-optimal 4 hours of sleep each night. See the problem?

Rest assured however, there are a few ways to dial back your reliance.

  1. Keep tabs on consumption – make a mental note to always record and keep track of how much caffeine you’re consuming. When you’re reaching your daily levels…STOP.
  2. Get better sleep – sleeping 7-9 hours of GOOD sleep each night decreases your need for caffeine and other stimulants because your body is rested and has enough energy to make it throughout the day.
  3. Cycle your sources – there are other natural forms of caffeine such as herbal teas. Try going every other day, cycling teas and coffees. This way, your body won’t build up as strong as a tolerance, and you will feel the same effects with smaller doses.

Alright…who’s ready to go attack the day now?!!? Or are you looking for some NATURAL remedies aside from caffeine, that will provide your body with endless amounts of ENERGY?! Check out 3 Ways to Naturally Boost Your Energy and Power Through Your Day!

-The Well Life Coach


3 Major Reasons Why People are Benefiting From Wellness Coaches!

Wellness coaching is a growing profession. Why? People are seeing the great benefits and results!

Wellness coaching just happens to be one of the fastest growing professions around today. It seems like…fortunately…everyone is getting on the wellness train! Hip hip hooray for healthy trends! But having said that, chronic conditions are still prevalent. With obesity, hypertension, and diabetes effecting 75%+ of the population, and costing upwards of $250+ billion of healthcare costs, it seems that wellness coaching still have a daunting job to do.

First off….what exactly is a wellness coach? Unlike personal trainers who just focus on fitness and nutritionists that look solely at diet, wellness coaches tend to focus on the person as a WHOLE, maximizing balance between all areas of life and wellness. Think of it as like….a Julian Michaels meets Tony Robbins. Or something.. 🙂

Wellness coaches can work in conjunction with physicians or medical clinics, or operate as an independent entity. Considering their ability to work with clients essentially anywhere, more and more people are finding benefit in and seeing great results from working with one of these coaches! Here are 3 reasons why:

  1. Accessibility and accountability – sometimes, you just need that one person to slap your hand when you reach for the last cookie in the jar. Or that extra spoonful of peanut butter…if you’re me… Think of wellness coaches, well, like an actual coach! To encourage you, teach you, motivate you, stick with you through the tough times, and be your cheerleader through the good times. Wellness coaches are like your personal health advocate, who truly hold your best interests at heart and believes enough IN you that you can accomplish whatever your goals are. Not only that, but thanks to the ole’ internet, wellness coaching can be done virtually through pretty much anywhere. I have a client in Cali who I work with via telephone, sometimes skype, and if they need guidance on an exercise move…a simple Zoom or Youtube upload tutorial (or even facetime) can knock that out pretty quickly and easily! Accessibility and accountability…2 things we ALL need.
  2. Behavior change is hard – say for example you go to the doctor and he says, “Hey, you have high blood pressure. Change your diet and your exercise routine, along with these meds, and you should see improvement. See you in 6 months.” Though he’s left you with a general overview of what to do to improve your help, the HOW to do it may still leave you quite baffled. Not to mention, be honest in how likely you are to do this with only a suggestion. Behavior change is hard. Especially for those who must undergo MAJOR behavior and lifestyle changes. And usually, physicians aren’t trained in behavior change, nor do they have the time to continuously follow up and coach a patient through their post-care protocols. Enter…the wellness coach. Wellness coaches can make deciphering this plan a lot easier, by giving you guidance on how to implement these suggestions. Not only that, wellness coaches usually have the experience to tie in mindfulness and emotional change strategies that help induce sustainable behavior change.
  3. Wellness coaches are a 1 stop shop – last bust not least, wellness coaches are like a ‘wellness class pass’ if you will. Pay a fee for access to all of their services. Not just training, not just nutrition, but some help you through other elements such as stress reduction, goal setting, time management, life balance, career transitions, relationships…essentially anything can impact an individuals wellness. Essentially they will help you make overall general better LIFESTYLE choices that will benefit you as a whole, and focus on your strengths.

Many of us have a vision of our ideal life. It could be via a business idea, career, or physical appearance. And though wellness coaches aren’t physicians, healthcare professionals or trained nutritionists or business coaches, setting goals with a wellness coach allows you to focus on your physical and mental wellness that in turn proves beneficial to your endeavors in all other areas of life. With our motivation, guidance, knowledge, training and accountability, your chances of success are much..MUCH higher.

The BAD news: school never ends. The GOOD news……

Why embracing being a lifetime student is something that you’ll have to come to terms with. But trust me, it’s worth it!

YIKES! I hope I got your attention with that one. If someone told me that school would NEVER end…I’d have dropped out in the 2nd grade…am I right or am I right 🙂

Hey you soon to be grads, young professionals and young entrepreneurs…there’s a silver lining. Never fret. I don’t mean actual school. I simply mean, LEARNING.

Take it from me. My life experience was one of continuously moving up in my education because I just thought that that was the be all end all answer to life success. Guess what, I was wrong. One thing that I WISH school had taught me (aside from the ever-useful Pythagorean theorem) is that your learning is never done.

Let’s face it. Education these days teaches you how to find a job, but not build a life. What did that mean for me? Transparently…going into massive debt going through higher level education just in hopes of making it big when in reality, I had NO idea what I wanted for my life. Sound like you? I changed my mind so many times because I kept going after what seemed to be EASY or have a quick chance of making big bucks. But no one ever sat me down and helped me go through planning out my life through recognizing my strengths, passions, purpose, and true life WANTS. And boy, I wish they did.

This might not have been everyone’s experience. You might have been blessed by knowing at a young age exactly what you wanted in life. But I did not. I NEVER saw myself working for someone else or in a corporation. I had so many interests, IDEAS, and admittedly a rebel soul, that I only wanted to build a business based around my personal identity and brand. But I didn’t know how. Nor was I taught.

Fast forward to today. I’m working independently as a professional speaker, coach, and consultant working with young people my age…and younger…helping them solve this issue before it becomes too difficult to solve later. This was my issue, and because they say the best business ideas come from a solution to a personal problem, this is the problem I wish someone would have solved for me, and what I’m helping people do now.

How did I get there? BY FORGETTING EVERYTHING I KNEW. Today, you HAVE to embrace being a constant student. You will always be learning, no matter WHAT. Do NOT be afraid to learn, assess, unlearn, relearn, and unlearn again. Once I got rid of everything I was taught, sought out my own guidance and knowledge on how to find my passion and improve my life, I was inundated with a wealth of eye opening knowledge that set me on the right path. Yes it’s hard. Yes it’s time consuming. Yes it’s stressful. But YES it’s worth it! I would have rather gone through this struggle to find out what I needed to know later in life, so I can help others do the same, rather than never having to have to learn from struggle in the first place.

It’s still better to be lost in the RIGHT direction, than it is to be on the right path in the WRONG direction. Drop me a line on how I can help YOU!

Why It’s Important to Live Your Purpose

Do you know your purpose? Do you feel like you’re meant for more? It’s time to take action towards this! Here is why…

Listen to the audio version HERE!

In an EXTREMELY shortened version, I have discovered that MY PURPOSE is to help others find their own purposes and recognize that is possible to live a life in service to their purpose and actually MAKE MONEY doing it! Why? I went through the struggle and depression and pain of feeling unfulfilled in my life. Consistently knowing that I was meant for and CAPABLE of more continuously put stress on my life and made me desire CHANGE. Once I broke through the mental stigmas and actually made the decision to change, which resulted from a state of uncomfortability, I was able to see with clarity that it is my JOB to share this with the world.

But WHY is this IMPORTANT?

I want you to sit back and think of things that you DO NOT want in your life. Go ahead. Do it. -> What did you come up with?

Now, I want you to sit back and think of things that you DO WANT in your life. Go -> What did you come up with? Was it more difficult to name these things than it was to name what you didn’t want? Don’t worry it if was, that is super common. Why? Because the truth is, most of us do not know what we really want. Or, we are afraid to admit it because we think it is silly or impossible.

No. Just no. The first reason why knowing your purpose is important is because it provides CLARITY in your life. Many people are wandering aimlessly in monotonous lifestyles where they feel like they’re trapped in a hamster wheel, doing the same things day in and day out and accepting that this is all life is for them. Though they may want more or feel that they are meant for more, for whatever reason, they never bring this feeling into fruition. The first step to do so, is to get uncomfortable with this lifestyle to incite CHANGE, and realize that you can live your purpose once you gain CLARITY on what it is you really want. Trust me, clarity is one of if not THE most RELIEVING emotions you can feel.

Why else is knowing your purpose important? This one is more physical, but it is important because of your personal health. Wait…what? Yes. When your ideas of your life are not congruent with your current state, there is unhappiness, confusion, discouragement, discomfort, and fear. All of these negative emotions culminate into an overwhelming STRESS! And we all know what stress does to the body. Big stressors, and even a combination of smaller constant acute stressors are DETRIMENTAL to ones’ health. Don’t believe me? Well, sparing you the scientific details, do some research on the impact of stress on the body. A lot of the times when the source of this stress is unable to be recognized, because one’s life is seemingly perfect, they do a deeper dive and realize that it is because they are not living their PURPOSE. This unfulfilling feeling is wearing at them constantly and most of the time people are too afraid to take action against this.

I’m here to tell you, that it is TIME to take action. Live your PUROSE NOW! Find it, recognize it, DECIDE to pursue it, make the CHOICE to CHANGE, and begin living the life of your DREAMS NOW! Do it like there are lives at stake. Because there are. The most important life…yours.

The Biggest Key to Getting What You Want, That You May Be Overlooking

The #1 key to getting what you want is always overlooked, but is most definitely the EASIEST.

Listen to the audio version HERE.

A lot of people I work with (most of them actually), decided to do so because they have something they want, or an idea they want to pursue, but have no idea how to get it. Whether they lack the knowledge or confidence to get started, by far the biggest excuse I hear…is FEAR! Fear of the unknown, uncertainty, losing everything, fear of lack of resources, etc. etc. Don’t get me wrong, these are legitimate fears. But if you always consider these hindering factors…you will NEVER take action to get where you want, because you are waiting for the perfect time. Well, there really is no better time than now.

Who has heard the phrase “It is not a matter of RESOURCES, but a matter of RESOURCEFULNESS”? To me, there is no truer phrase. Why?…Think about the successful people you know who came from NOTHING. Look at Oprah. Now one of the world’s richest women, she didn’t come from a life of luxury or wealth or ease, but quite literally a life of POVERTY. She didn’t have something you don’t have, and arguably, she had less. Too often do people suspend getting started on their dreams because they take so much time thinking and wondering and pondering how to find ‘resources’ to get them started, when they are undoubtedly overlooking the #1 rule to getting what you want…and most definitely the EASIEST.

Just…ask. That’s right. Ask for it. Ask EVERYONE and ANYONE you know to HELP you on your journey to get what you want. If they can’t help you, ask them to refer you to someone they think who can! If even they cannot help you…go out and meet new people! Network, build relationships, build a COMMUNITY of individuals who you now know that can cast a net for they themselves, or someone they know to HELP you along the way. Be it with ideas, finding mentors, monetary resources, guidance, legal advice, accountability…or just to surround yourself with people who have reached the level of success you want to achieve, the easiest thing to do, is to ask someone for help.

DO NOT let your pride get in the way here. Many times people are WILLING and even HAPPY to provide guidance or advice, because that means that you see them as a successful and TRUSTED source of information! What better compliment to one’s accomplishments as to be regarded as an expert?! And DO NOT be afraid to ask, either. Why? Because what is the WORST thing that could happen? The absolute worst thing that could happen is them simply saying “no”. One word. Why would that stop you? On the other hand, think of all the things that could go RIGHT?! Those FAR outweigh the consequence of a “no”. And if someone tells you no, guess what, there are billions of other people on the planet that odds are, will end up saying ‘yes’. And who knows, maybe that ‘yes’ will be exactly the ‘yes’ you needed!

Your Biggest Challenge Isn’t Fear, It’s….

A lot of people dream big things, but never go for those dreams because of a variety of factors that hold them back. What are they, why do you have them, and what is the biggest factor hindering progress?

Quite the cliff hanger, yeah? If you are like me, you once, or now, or ALWAYS have had an inkling inside you that life could be more. More than it is, more fulfilling, more fun, more adventurous, more profitable, more compelling, more…you fill in the blank. We come up with ways that we think will help us make life this “more”, however that thought turns into a passing thought, then moments, minutes, hours, days, months, even YEARS pass, and we still have that thought ( or idea ) but have never done anything, or taken any action, to bring that thought into fruition. WHY!??!

Whether you want to admit it or not, 9 times out of 10, whatever it is that is holding you back is coming from the INSIDE. We like to blame outside factors for our not taking action…blaming the economy, lack of time, lack of monetary resources, lack of knowledge, etc, for us not pursuing our dreams. But to bust your bubble….all of these limiting thoughts are actually in your HEAD. Once you make the conscious choice to get rid of these limiting beliefs, you’ll be astounded at how much you can accomplish.

But where do these beliefs come from in the first place? What are other limiting factors? Fear?…yes. Doubt…yes. Intimidation…definitely. But I think there is one in particular, that has more power than all of these…combined. It is an emotion that I’d like to illustrate with the following story, an old fable that has been passed down and retold over the years…”The Devil’s Greatest Tool”.

The devil was having a going out of business sale. On his sale table he had a number of odds and ends things, brilliant and valuable looking things. Things like his silver sword of fear, that had a high price. His golden spear of doubt, with an even higher price. And his platinum dagger of envy, which was almost unaffordable. However, behind his table sitting on a pedestal, was a very simple and humble wooden hammer. Not at all impressive in appearance, someone asked, “How much for that hammer”. “Oh”, the devil said, “that is not for sale”. “Well why not”, asked the customer. He said, “because that is my most valuable possession. It is the hammer of DISCOURAGEMENT, and it is priceless. With this tool, I can do more damage than all of the other tools combined. This is the tool that allows me to first get inside a person and plant all the rest of the negative beliefs and emotions, and once I am in, the hammer of discouragement ensures that I will never get out.”

Discouragement is something that hinders ALL action. It is literally the catalyst that causes us to STOP and take NO action at all. Once we feel discouraged because of a lack of confidence or courage, or a small failure, we allow all of the rest of the emotions to take us over and cause us to stop whatever progress we are making, because we feel UNWORTHY. Though fear, doubt, and envy are all negative emotions that may cause us to act negatively, or in an aggressive manner, at least we are taking some sort of ACTION. At least some sort of movement is being made, maybe backwards, but it is movement Discouragement is the definition of a lack of movement. It causes no motion at all, forward or backward, action is stopped and falling back into old ways is encouraged.

So how do you eliminate discouragement, and prevent the devil from using his greatest tool on you? Simple….faith. Have FAITH that whatever circumstance you are going through, you will overcome it. Whatever event is diminishing your confidence, whatever tool you need to power through is ALREADY inside you. Focus on your strengths, find empowering beliefs, set a clear vision, and have FAITH that whatever it is you set out to do, can be accomplished.

Find mentors, find accountability, find coaches, and make your dreams a REALITY.


The Future of the Workforce – What does this mean for you?

The working landscape is changing. What this means for you, and why it’s creating fear for so many!

As you might have been seeing lately….the workforce is changing. Dramatically. Be it due to technology, social values, demographics, legislation, or any other reason, employers are finding themselves needing to make adjustments, quickly. The truth is, the workforce is now finding themselves with the power, forcing employers to change the way they do business, and hire quality staff.

What does this mean for you? Well, A LOT. Here are some facts about the changing landscape and some implications as a result.


  1. More than HALF of the current workforce are millennials.
  2. Skilled positions are being replaced by robotics and automation.
  3. One and done education and career learning models are DEAD.


  1. Workers are demanding more freedom, autonomy, and balance. Remote workforces are more popular and will continue to grow.
  2. Technological updates are making a shift from labor skills to cognitive skills focusing on digital management, computer engineering, management and untitledentrepreneurship.
  3. Employers need to include EXTENSIVE models of experienced based CONTINUOUS learning and development for employees.

Another huge shift…people are recognizing the NEED and the low barrier to entry for entrepreneurship. With the internet, social media, and ability to essentially start a business from the comfort of their own home, studies show that entrepreneurs will make up more than 40% of the entire workforce by the end of 2020.

Not everyone can be an entrepreneur. I have so much appreciation and respect for those who are dedicated to being monumentally successful in their current or future corporate positions. But for me, I know that the above is scary and somewhat overwhelming! I want to be an entrepreneur…but so does everyone else.

My call to you. WHATEVER you do, make sure it SERVES you and your greater vision. If you want to be an entrepreneur, and do it successfully, but don’t know how to get started or even want you to do…I can help you.

I hope you enjoyed the quick read! And remember, what is it costing you to NOT live the life you want?

Are You Where You Want To Be In Life?

You don’t have to be stuck doing something you aren’t passionate about. Man’s greatest journey is his search for meaning and passion in his life…it is my passion to help others realize theirs.


For TOO many people, the answer to this question, is NO. It doesn’t matter your gender, age, marital status, current occupation, social class, or educational background, EVERYONE deserves and SHOULD have ANYTHING they want in life. And here is the secret….. you CAN!

There are so many wonderful life coaches and motivational speakers who have helped MILLIONS of people just like you create change in their lives. They preach that the first step is to create a NEW mindset that aligns with the change you want to make; which is absolutely true. However, once people leave these talks, seminars, finish their books, or finish watching their videos, though they seemingly have DECIDED to make change, still they fall short in reaching their goals because something happens. It’s because though they have all of this new knowledge, they fail to take action on what they’ve learned. They lose momentum. They get stuck. For many different reasons, they fail to move towards change or they cease the actions once things get too hard.

This was me. I was lost, discouraged, broke, unfulfilled, and ultimately lacking purpose and direction. I decided to make a change. I watched, read, listened to EVERYTHING I could in the form of motivation and self help. Many of these influential people indirectly become my mentors, and eventually I began to align my actions with my new found purpose. It was enlightening, uplifting, and FREEING.

A lot of people don’t take personal coaching seriously, because they don’t think they need it, it’s silly, or too expensive. Well what if I told you that the short term cost will be exponentially increased by the long term GAINS? What if I told you that it’s okay to ask for help, that it’s BENEFICIAL to you to seek guidance from someone who can help you solve your problems and become fulfilled and on the path to your TRUE POTENTIAL?

that is my purpose. to help you avoid all of the hard times and tough struggles that I went through to finally discover what I’m here for. whether it be general health and fitness, career progression, financial goals, relationship goals, finding purpose, or setting/reaching goals and seeing RESULTS, I can help you on the right path to achievement.

To express my deep appreciation for those of you who’ve been with me through this journey of discovery, along with my FREE initial video strategy coaching session, if you decide to let me help you, you will get 25% off each month that we are working towards your goals together.

If you want to take advantage of this, or see what it’s all about, let me know HERE. THANK YOU!